Member Spotlight feat. E.H.

Tattoo Artist
Odd but Harmless

For me, a cup of coffee is more than just a drink – it's a whole experience.

I've got this insatiable love for good food and even better coffee, often traveling and waiting just to savour the very best. The journey to finding the best cup often mirrors my personal journey, as I'm currently on a path exploring spirituality and the deeper meanings behind life and living.

I pride myself on my amiable nature, but I'm fiercely independent. I cherish my freedom and sometimes, just sometimes, I prefer charting my own path rather than being directed. As someone who’s always learning and growing, I thrive on deep conversations that challenge and provoke thought.

So, if you’re up for a hearty chat about the universe, life's mysteries, or even just about the newest café in town, I’m all ears!

At first glance, E.H.'s journey might seem like a tapestry of twists and turns. Starting with an impressive six-year stint in market research following her studies in business marketing at university, she made a career switch that took many by surprise. But to those who knew her well, it was the perfect fusion of her passions and skills. Trading corporate presentations for tattoo parlours, E.H. pursued an apprenticeship in tattooing, following a deep-seated love for drawing.

Today, E.H. proudly stands at the helm of her own tattoo studio, weaving stories and emotions into art on skin. For her, it's more than just a job; it's a calling. It's this dedication that's seen her blur the lines between work and passion, often finding herself sketching designs even when not tattooing.

But beyond the buzz of the tattoo machine, E.H.'s life is a vibrant mix of melodies and adventures. A fervent workaholic, she doesn’t just stop at tattoos; her evenings often echo with the rhythms of funk and oldies as she takes to the stage, singing in a band. The weekends? They might find her hiking up a trail, tasting the culinary delights of a new city, or dancing away to ballroom music.

Life, for E.H., is about embracing the small moments — like the thrill of chasing after a bus or indulging in deep conversations with her open-minded circle of friends. Her entrepreneurial spirit is always aflame, with dreams of flying to Europe as a guest artist and exploring places like Israel and the suburban areas of Korea, all while scouting unique accommodation experiences like WWOOF Guesthouse.

Every tattoo, every song, every journey represents a chapter in E.H.'s rich story. And while her path might seem unconventional, it's a testament to following one’s passion and finding excitement in every stitch of life's fabric. Whether she's hustling in her studio or belting out tunes at a gig, E.H. lives with a fervor that's truly infectious.

Transitioning from Marketing to tattoo artistry is remarkable. What ignited this change, and what unforeseen challenges or surprises did you encounter?

I yearned for change. Tattooing is a stark contrast from the corporate comfort I was accustomed to. Leaving behind corporate perks was daunting, but the artistic liberty and satisfaction from tattooing has been unparalleled. It reinforced that unexpected paths can reveal delightful outcomes.

Your insights suggest a profound understanding of life. How do you perceive your role within life's grand mosaic?

Life, for me, is about embracing moments and the lessons they offer. Rather than chasing distant dreams, I believe in savouring the present. This philosophy is spiritually anchored, valuing continuous learning and imparting wisdom. I see us all as students and mentors in life's grand narrative.

Life's richness is complex. What constitutes a life that's truly treasured for you?

Life's essence is a blend of continuous exploration and openness. By being receptive and perpetually curious, I gain diverse perspectives, enriching my daily existence.

Kopi Date: Your passion for drawing is clear. What was the defining moment that propelled you to funnel your artistic flair into tattooing?

When the Covid struck, I suddenly had an abundance of time. Drawing became a comforting pastime, both traditionally and digitally. As I created a digital portfolio and began selling artwork, I also found myself re-evaluating my corporate role. Taking a bold step, I immersed myself in the tattooing world, turning pandemic restlessness into a rewarding career transition.

Shared values resonate with profound meaning. Can you recall an occasion where you deeply nurtured a significant connection, with a person or a memory?

Every life phase offers opportunities for profound connections. During one transformative period, I intentionally fostered relationships with individuals who deeply resonated with me, turning these bonds into life's cornerstones.

Kopi Date must have unveiled myriad experiences. How would you characterise the authenticity of the bonds you've forged?

Kopi Date has been genuinely enlightening. The bonds here are genuine, backed by engaging dialogues with passionate individuals. One memorable exchange with a fellow artist ignited a flurry of creative insights.

Life unfolds through tales. From your Kopi Date escapades, can you highlight a memorable encounter?

An unforgettable bond was formed with a fellow artist. While romance didn't blossom, our mutual respect for each other's craft did. We shared skills, fostering a symbiotic relationship that still thrives.

Experiences often shape personal growth. Have Kopi Dates triggered any revelations or shifts in your perspective?

One enlightening Kopi Date revealed patterns in my behaviour. It made me introspect, realising that our responses often stem from deep-seated beliefs. This newfound self-awareness has been transformative.

Life offers endless lessons. What's the core lesson from your Kopi Date experiences?

It's the profound journey of self-awareness. Through these dates, I've evolved, recognising my boundaries and emotional triggers. Kopi Dates have been a mirror, offering deep self-reflection.

For someone new to Kopi Date, how would you summarise its essence? Any advice for the uninitiated?

Kopi Date is a safe space to forge connections. My counsel to novices: embrace it with an open heart. Beyond potential romance, value the friendships and enlightening dialogues. Each conversation might be the key to personal growth.